The strength of weapons listed in this guide is based on average damage, so there may be weapons that have higher max. I have left Necrotic Sword of Doom out of the list, since you get it automatically in your inventory when you buy first part of DoomKnight package, and since you have to buy it separately, using real money.
For the same reasons I have not -and will not- add weapons you get by buying some sort of merchandise. PM me any mistakes that you find, or weapons that I missed.
I'll add you to the credits as well. Please allow 1 week after a release for me to update the guide. Log Note: I already know that this list will eventually get huge, so I might not add every single change I do, but I will every time I add weapons of new release, so that people will know when was the last time the guide was updated. December 5th: Wow, been a while! December 29th: Oh man February 23rd: Ok Finally I'm all caught up!
Second of all, you need a good, strong, light weapons to kill this kitten of mass destruction. In quests like defend the keep, sir jing's weapons and other ones. You buy it at Lim in the Falconreach weapons shop. You need a dragon amulet though. Log in. Dragon Fable. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides. Q: Where can you get good weapons in dragonfable? Write your answer Related questions.
Where is a good place to buy weapons in DragonFable? Last Updated: January 28, To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 11, times.
There are ways that people didn't know how to be powerful early in the game. Some weapons are scaled or you can just use trainers the name of the trainer is in the Warning section. Random Article. Home Random Terms of Use. We use cookies to make wikiHow great.
By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Weapons Category page. View source. History Talk 1. Corrupted ShadowReaper of Doom The weapons of DragonFable are divided into six types, each type dealing a different type of damage. Daggers deal Pierce damage and are best used by classes with high DEX.
Maces deal Melee damage and are best used by classes with high STR.